Larnaka of Saint Agapitikos
Saint Agapitikos Church and Saint Varlam were two more of the three hundred Alaman saints who have associated their name with Arodes community. For the two urns, located in the church of Agios Kalandionos, an interesting tradition is preserved that is certainly far from the real Christian faith. According to her, if someone wanted to love or take revenge on someone, they should accordingly visit either the tomb of Saint Agapitikos Church or the tomb of Saint Miseticus (Varlam) and scrape some dust from the limestone of the Page 2 of 6 cover of the urn.
The powder should be thrown into the water of the person he wished to love or avenge to achieve the desired effect. A corresponding tradition refers to the cave, where Saint Agapitikos Church practiced asceticism and which is located in the area. According to it the lovers must visit the cave in absolute secrecy, leave a few coins and take some soil which they will then pour into their lover’s drink.